Why Quasar Science? LED Lighting Buying Guide

New Solution to Virtual Production Lighting

New Solution to Virtual Production Lighting

Dynamic Interactive Lighting, Reflection

New Solution to Virtual Production Lighting

Dynamic Interactive Lighting

When simulating set reconstruction, lighting that matches the scene is important, such as flames, neon lights, sunrises, lightning, etc. Moreover, the actual situation of light in the real environment is complex and cannot be recreated by simple lighting effects/operation. It is often dynamic. The set with various points, faces and diverse colors, it is difficult to simulate with simple lighting setups.

動態互動式的照明 在模擬真實場景時,往往需要與場景相匹配的照明,比如:火焰,霓虹燈,日出,閃電等等,而且真實環境中光的實際情況非常複雜,並非簡單的燈效可以表現,經常是動態,多點多面多色彩,很難用簡單的燈具模擬。

New Solution to Virtual Production Lighting


There may be highly reflective surfaces of metal or glass on actor/actress’s accessories or surrounding objects, which will reflect the shape and color of the light source. If you want to reconstruct the scene in green screen/previous set environment, the light source must completely match the environment in pre-recorded footage.


Why Quasar Science?

Downfalls of traditional lighting

Dynamic Interactive Lighting, Reflection

The following solutions for traditional lighting is complicated in interactive lightings and light effects:

  • Traditional Lighting fixtures are mainly used for the set lighting and character.
  • The brightness or color can be adjusted with “dimmer”.
  • Complex scene lighting and special effects require manual operation.
  • Professional lighting designers are required to design lighting.
  • Interactive dynamic lighting cannot be provided.
  • Accurate reflection cannot be provided for reflective surfaces.
  • Only point or area light sources cannot reflect the actual complex light effects in the set
  • Difficult to dynamically synchronize with the scene content and cannot effectively integrate the signal and frequency to form realistic lighting.

  • 主要用於場景照明和人物照明
  • 燈具固定安裝,可用調光臺調整亮度或者色彩,需人工操作
  • 複雜場景照明和特效需要專業燈光師設計照明
  • 無法提供互動式動態照明
  • 無法為反射面提供準確的反光
  • 僅點或面光源無法體現出真實環境中的實際複雜光效
  • 與場景內容很難動態同步,無法有效配合,形成真實感照明

New Solution to Virtual Production Lighting

New Solution to Virtual Production Lighting

Dynamic Interactive Lighting, Reflection

Why choose Quasar Science?

Quasar Image Based Lighting(IBL) Advantage

  • Patented VRGB profiles give you control over color space and spectrum.
  • Built-in Ethernet switch allows you to control cross-domain between lighting fixtures.
  • Supports DMX 512, CRMX, Art-Net and SACN, allowing you to control lights using most standard lighting consoles and media servers.
  • Unprecedented pixel density for cinema lighting fixtures.
  • 專利VRGB配置檔,讓您可以控制色彩空間和光譜。
  • 內置太網交換機,使您可以在燈管之間跨域控制。
  • 支持DMX 512, CRMX, Art-Net和SACN,允許您使用大多數標準調光臺和媒體伺服器來控制燈光。
  • 電影燈具前所未有的像素密度。
Why choose Quasar Science?

Discussion about SACN

為什麼使用SACN? SACN可以讓您從每根電纜只能支持一個域升級到支持250個域。 Multicast允許您繞過分配IP地址。 廣播 Art-Net雖然類似,但一次只能支持12個域。(更大的擴展技術=單播,太難用了!) 更加通用和健壯的基於圖像的照明網路控制協議。

Why choose Quasar Science?

Color Space Control

Color space control Pixel mapping does not transcode the color data in the source footage. The color space table allows you to set the color space for the color data to be output. Currently four color spaces are supported. Used to match the color of movie cameras or LED large screens.
色彩空間控制 像素映射不會對源素材中的顏色數據進行轉碼。 顏色空間表允許您為要輸出的顏色數據設定顏色空間。 目前支持四種顏色空間。 用於與電影攝像機或LED大屏的顏色匹配。
Why choose Quasar Science?

Spectrum Control

Quasars map light spectrum to the global DMX value.
  • You can use spectrum controls to tell each unit to use a specific RGBWW spectrum in the 0-100% range.
  • Valuable for matching the spectrum of other manufacturers’ RGBWW lighting fixtures or large LED screens.
  • 您可以使用頻譜控制來告訴各單元在0-100%範圍內使用具體的RGBWW頻譜。
  • 對匹配其他製造商的RGBWW燈或LED大屏的光譜極有價值。
Why choose Quasar Science?

Image-based lighting with multi-pixel LED color lights

Solution: Use multi-pixel lighting fixtures and their color engines to simulate matching images for lighting.

Technical advantages:

  • Quasar Science Rainbow Series has all the advantages of LED lighting, the ability to pixel lighting, and the ability to dynamically display complex lighting.
  • The brightness can reach 30-50 times that of LED screens, meeting needs in lighting in set.
  • It can provide more than one billion color choices, with greater spectral control to match colors and accurately restore the original texture and color of objects.
  • The emitted color reproduction of production-grade lamps is accurate, especially for skin tones, which is close to natural lighting conditions
  • Can automatically and quickly follow switching scenes or sports scenes
  • 解決方案:利用多像素燈管及其色彩引擎,模擬匹配圖像,進行照明。


  • 具備LED照明的全部優點,具備像素照明的能力,具備動態顯示複雜照明的能力
  • 亮度能達到LED螢幕的亮度30-50倍,滿足照明的需求
  • 可以提供了超過十億種顏色的選擇,具有更大的光譜控制來匹配顏色,準確還原物體原本的紋理和色彩
  • 製作級燈具的發射色彩還原準確,尤其是膚色,接近自然照明情況
  • 可以自動,迅速的跟隨切換場景或運動場景

New Solution to Virtual Production Lighting

Quasar Science Rainbow Series Linear RGB LED Tube Light


Why choose Quasar Science?

Rainbow Series

The new Rainbow Series in the Quasar Science series are series of pixel-based, RBGWW linear tube lights that can be used in a variety of traditional film production lighting applications, especially in the fast-changing virtual production field. These lights’ advantages can be better utilized in pixel control, accurate white light and extensibility on installation.

This is mainly due to their controlled pixel control, as well as their precise white light and scalability.

Rainbow 2 (R2): Available in 2 feet, 4 feet and 8 feet (25W/50W/100W)

Double Rainbow (RR): Available in 2 feet and 4 feet (50W/100W)

  • Each light Each has 10 to 48 RGBWW color lighting pixel
  • RGBX color engine converts video RGB values ​​into optimized RGBX spectrum, achieving high-fidelity light source lighting
  • Compatible with all industry standard data protocols, including sACN and ArtNet.
    • Supports wired DMX, wireless DMX, and Ethernet. Network, Bluetooth, and WiFi
    • built-in Ethernet nodes and switches, which can be used for flexible networking in a daisy chain without the need to configure a separate switch
  • LED circuit board mounted on profiled aluminum heat sink, no fan is required.
  • Built-in power supply
  • Easy to install on an expandable mounting OSSIUM Frame Arrays



OSSIUM Frame Arrays


Quasar Science系列新型燈具是一系列基於像素,RBGWW直線型管燈,可用於各種傳統電影照明應用場景,尤其在不斷發展的虛擬製作領域中可以更好地發揮出它們的優點。這主要是歸功於它們像素的控制,以及精確的白光和可擴展性

Rainbow 2 (R2) : 2尺,4尺和 8尺的規格可供選擇 (25W/50W/100W)

Double Rainbow (RR): 2尺和4尺的規格可供選擇 (50W/100W)

  • 每個燈分別具有10到48個RGBWW彩色照明像素
  • RGBX顏色引擎將視頻RGB值轉換為優化的RGBX光譜,高保真的實現光源照明
  • 相容所有行業標準數據協議,包括sACN和ArtNet
  • 支持有線DMX,無線DMX,以太網,藍牙,WiFi
  • 內置以太網節點和交換機,可以用菊花鏈靈活組網,無需單獨配置交換機。
  • LED 電路板安裝在塑型鋁型材散熱器上,無需風扇
  • 內置電源 可擴展的安裝陣列框架





How to control RAINBOW 2 / DOUBLE RAINBOW ?

Image Based Lighting Software Compatibility


Assimilate Live FX

  • Lightweight and easy to use, it can be used on both Mac and Windows computers.
  • Supports 2d, 2.5d, 180, and 360 degree spaces.
  • Image-Based Lighting (IBL) toolbar set up in partnership with Quasar Science.
  • Can handle most video and photo formats, supports various video capture cards, and supports Unreal Engine.
  • 輕型和易用,可以在Mac和Windows電腦上使用。
  • 支持2d, 2.5d, 180, 360度空間。
  • 與Quasar Science合作設置的IBL工具欄。
  • 可以處理大多數視頻和照片格式,支持各種視頻採集卡,支持虛幻引擎。

Flow Chart to connect from video signal to LED panel / DMX Stage Lights

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